Nature has always been my greatest inspiration, mixed with my culture rich of colors and flavors. They are the starting point of my creativity, boosted by my memories and personal journey.

I born in Peru and in 2007 and moved to Europe in 2007. And like most of the immigrants it has been a difficult journey, with a lot of challenges and homesickness at certain periods. However I have always been enthusiastic about all the different cultures and nationalities. Particularly I love England, its music, language and the boldness of Liverpool people when I was studying Fashion and Art Design in the College of Liverpool City. After that I moved to another extraordinary city, Amsterdam, where I studied creative pattern in the Fashion Academy of Amsterdam and where the pandemic caught me. But also lived through the toughest time in my life, but then I learned a new skill, painting in silk fabric. Since then, painting and drawing becomes a new passion for me.
Another amazing event in my life was that I wrote and illustrated and published a children’s book in 2024. My first children book “Mallki and the lost start” is in honor to my culture, my roots and my precious sister.
Life has shown me dark roads to walk but it has also given me the light that I need to be able to walk through it.
Mallki and the lost star, it is my first book which is for children up to 7 years old and also for young and adult people.
This book was inspired by my nephew Mateo, who was diagnosed with autism, the book reflects how an autistic child perceives the world.
A fantastic journey where compassion and courage are the keys to reach the highest star over the Aconcagua Mountain in the Andes along with friends and the amazing Condor from the Andes.